Suvin Gold, a high-grade cotton of Indian origin
Cotton powerhouse India boasts the world's largest cotton production, with longer-staple cotton being grown from north to south. Tamil Nadu, India's southernmost state, benefits from both the east and west monsoons, enabling the cultivation of Suvin, the highest grade of Indian cotton with extra-long staple (ELS). Suvin was created by combining the ‘Sujata’ variety of Indian cotton and the ‘St. Vincent’ variety of Sea Island cotton (thus named SuVin), and boasts one of the world's longest staple lengths. Only the best quality first and second-plucked Suvin cotton is selected as Suvin Gold. While approximately 25 million tonnes of cotton is harvested annually worldwide, only about 400 tonnes of Suvin Gold is harvested, making it an extremely rare variety.

Fabrics with Suvin Gold
Of the Suvin Gold, which originally has very long fibres, only those with fibres above a certain length are selected, and only carefully selected extra-long staple cotton is processed into yarn and fabrics. The rare extra-long staple fibres of Suvin Gold are not only long and strong, but also very delicate, soft and supple to the touch. It is also characterised by its unique silk-like lustre and moist texture due to its rich oil content. This fabric is truly made from the world's finest extra-long staple cotton.

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